BLUE - 2016
An RPM Project
Three-channel video projected on (3) 7' x 12' screens
Since the 1950’s, prosperity and the rise of capitalism created a lifestyle of consumerism, where browsing and purchasing material things evolved into a consumer culture. This popular ritual of shopping for a better life shaped our identity as a society. Many artists reacted to this consumer-driven way of life, revealing in their work that the relationship between shopper and material object is more of an obsession than a pastime. There are visible strains of this complicated relationship in the commonly known genre, called Pop Art.
In this three-channel video, the art of consumption is examined through the main character in Blue. She approaches her house anxious to open her newly purchased piece, and upon entering through the front door, the viewer also crosses the threshold of her psyche. Her environment suddenly shifts from ecstatic to ominous, and as she navigates through the maze of her interior, her world literally comes crashing down around her. In her subsequent escape we place her in nature, appearing larger than life, alluding to second chances and what is innately meaningful in our humanness.